Certified psychoanalytic psychotherapists:

MA in Clinical psycholgy “Psychoanalytic Perspective”, NBU, psychodrama psychotherapist, Institute for Individual, Family and Group Psychotherapy “Bernhardt Ahterberg”

Offers Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for adults with relationship problems and difficulties, somathic illness and severe diagnoses – depressive conditions, pannic attacks, fears, and phobias, eating disorders – abuse of food, addiction to eating, pathological weight (bulimia or anorexia)problems with alchohol addiction/misuse, sleep problems, sexual problems etc.

tel:+ 359  (0) 878 866 809

e-mail: vanirankova@abv.bg

Address: Sofia, Marin Drinov str 3A

By appointment only

Clinical psychologyst

Offers psychotherapy in emotional and interpresonal problems, works with people who have the need and the curiousity to learn more about themselves

Tel: + 359 (0) 887464961

email: viara@videlova.com

Address: Sofia, „General Skobelev“ Blvd

By appointment via telephone or email only

Galina Doychinova, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

MA in Clinical Psychology; Certified Psychodrama Psychotherapist; Certified leader of Balint Groups, trained in different modes of psychoaalytic thinking.

Private practice, individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Long standing experience in the field of addictions, depression, anxiety, obssessional disorders, panick attacks, life-crisis, difficulties in communication, difficulties in the family and/or couple relations.

tel:+ 359 (0) 898 61 10 07

email: galinadoytchinova@gmail.com

By apointment only after an email or phone contact.

Psychologist, MA in Clinical social work, NBU

Offers psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents who experience interpersonal conflicts with peers and adults, lack personal interests, suffer from isolation, anxiety, sleep or eating disturbances etc.

Offers psychoanalytic psychotherapy for adults who wish to learn more about themselves, are going through a life crisis, experience difficulties in their interpersonal relationships, suffer from anxieties, physical symptoms without a medical explanation etc.

Tel: +359 888469630

e-mail: g.dalova@gmail.com

Private practice, 1124 Sofia, Yavorov residential quarter

By appointment via telephone or e-mail only

MA in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Counselling, MA in Organisational Consulting

Individual work with adults with emotional or behavioural problems, supervisions of clinicians, leading Infant Observation Groups, organisational consulting

Address NW6, London, the UK

Email elenabojionva@gmail.com

Tel ++44 (0) 7557901009

By appointment only

MA in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Sounselling, MA in Developmental Psychology

Offers psychoanalytic psychotherpay and consultations. Works with people with difficulties in the area of human relationships, chalenges in their personal growth and development or are facing difficulties in going through life- and age-crisis. Works both with children and adults.

tel: + 359 (0)8888887278

e-mail: dzhenevamaria@gmail.com

address https://www.analytica-bg.info/

By appointment only