
Creating and managing a training that ensures quality knowledge and skills so by the end of it the candidate can obtain a qualification as an adult psychoanalytic psychotherapist and would have a stable understanding of the theory and technique of psychoanalytic  psychotherapy, so that he is able to be a partner to their patients in the therapeutic process, to their colleagues in thinking about individual cases and to the community in processing  and working through the events happening in the community.

Another aim is internalising the main principles of psychoanalytic psychotherapy –  the primacy of psychic reality , working in the transference, ethical rules for working with a patient and their close ones, writing up and presenting cases, participating in clinical and theoretical discussions, based on a strive to widen our understanding of the patient’s unconscious, towards critical and creative thinking, self-knowledge and capacity to know and preside over the transference. Capacity for writing and presenting scientific and clinical texts.


At the foundation of the training are the principles and achievements of psychoanalysis, described by Freud and developed by the British school of Object Relations. Of course the candidates are exposed to other authors and achievements in psychoanalysis – Freudian School, Independents, but the main identity and prism of the training is the object relation tradition.

This is why a year of baby observation is incorporated in the training, as the valuable contribution of this format of learning is recognised for the development of skills for observation, description and conceptualising of the material, as well as for the understanding of the early psychological development and the specifics of the transference and countertransference.